@extends('layouts.layout-inner') @section('content')
@if(!empty($course_detail->course_image)) @endif @if(empty($course_detail->course_image)) @endif

{{ $course_detail->title }}

{{ $course_detail->county }}
{{ $course_detail->seats_booked }} People booked this course
@if($course_detail->slug == '117-first-aid-responsefar')
This is 3 day course
{{ $course_detail->seats_vacant }}
{{ $course_detail->course_fees }}

{!! $course_detail->description !!}

{!! $course_detail->course_outline !!}

{!! $course_detail->learning_outcomes !!}

Contact & Location

{{ $course_detail->course_time }}. {{ $course_detail->course_date }}. {{ $course_detail->address_1 }}, {{ $course_detail->street }},
{{ $course_detail->county }} ({{ $course_detail->postal_code }})


This is a @if($course_detail->slug == '117-first-aid-responsefar') 3 Day course (2nd to 4th Jan 2019 6 hour/day ) @else one day ({{ $course_detail->course_hours }} hour) course @endif


SCTI Certificate of Attendance

@php $mapImage = ''; if (!empty($course_detail->location_latitude) && !empty($course_detail->location_longitude)) { $mapImage = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=$course_detail->location_latitude,$course_detail->location_longitude&zoom=8&size=450x360&markers=color:red%7C$course_detail->location_latitude,$course_detail->location_longitude&sensor=false"; } @endphp @if (!empty($mapImage))
@if ($course_detail->course_id == '11')

Whatever your requirements, Social Care Training Ireland has a Supervision course to fit. We tailor our courses to the needs, the profile and the activities of your business, your family unit, your club, your crèche, your school or your organisation. If you are simply a group of friends with a shared interest in Supervision courses to keep those closest to you safe,
we will design and deliver a course especially for you.

@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush